Nearly every day now, Tom Brombadil the rooster, and the Little Red Hen boldly scale the high wall of the chicken yard and escape out into the yard together to roam free. They wander around the yard together making happy little clucking sounds and scratching at little bugs and seeds they discover together in the green grass. They seem to just want to be alone together. Perhaps they share a spirit of adventure which none of the other chickens in the coop can understand or share. Whatever the case, it is truly heartwarming to watch them spend their days together.
*An added note: Yes, he is named after Tom Bombadil, but the kids threw an “R” in his name. They’re creative spellers and namers.

I love this!!! And I love that you have a rooster named Tom Bombadil. I've always loved that name! ๐
Thanks Taryn! Tom Bombadil is my favorite Tolkien character! I got some commentary on Facebook, so I added a note in the blog post to clear up the name. The kids added an "R" in there when they were naming him, and that's what we call him. But he is really Tom Bombadil ๐