The rose bush in the front flower bed was beginning to fall over with the weight of all the new growth these past weeks, and was in serious need of a trellis. Rather than buy a trellis, I felt up to the task of making one myself. One of my favorite approaches to the creative process of garden art is looking around my sheds to see what is on hand that could be re-purposed. In this case, we had been coiling up and saving old barbed wire cross fencing around the property, and it caught my eye as the perfect material. I figured all the barbs would make good supports for the rose to wrap around, and look very rustic in all it’s rusty glory.
With the help of some thick work gloves, bolt cutters and pliers, I managed to cut up segments of wire and coil them into swirls wrapped around a piece of rebar. Barbed wire really likes to wrap around itself and stay in place, so I couldn’t have chosen a better material.
This project did not take long at all, and I was very pleased with my re-purposed barbed wire rose trellis when it was finished.
Thanks to a little ingenuity and willingness to throw on heavy work gloves, the rose bush is happier and I am happier seeing my handiwork displayed in the front flower bed.
As I have said before, giving old things a new lease on life is not only fun and rewarding, but reduces our impact on the earth when we don’t go off to the store to buy something new. Everyone wins! I encourage you to take a look around your house, take a walk around your yard or property, and see what you might have that could be a part of your next creative project. I will leave you with a clever saying I came across the other day:
“The earth without art is just ‘eh’. Go make art.”
Beautiful!! 🙂
Thank you!