In honor of this occasion, I am going to share a yummy homemade mayonnaise recipe I made this week from our lovely farm fresh eggs out of the Nourishing Traditions cookbook. I had never made mayo before, and after seeing how easy and good it was, I will never have to buy mayonnaise again!
(makes 1 1/2 cups)
1 whole egg at room temperature
1 egg yolk at room temperature
1 tsp Dijon-type mustard
1 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp whey (optional)
3/4 – 1 cup olive oil
pinch of sea salt
In your food processor, place eggs, mustard, salt, lemon juice, and optional whey. Process about 30 seconds. Using the attachment that adds liquids drop by drop, slowly add olive oil while blending. Taste and adjust seasoning. You can add more salt or lemon juice. If you added whey, let sit well covered at room temperature for 7 hours before refrigerating. Keeps 2 weeks with no whey and several months with whey.
A note: My friend, Jeana, gave me the idea to try this recipe, and I was a little skeptical at first of the idea of lacto-fermenting mayonnaise. Fermented and mayonnaise are not generally two things I want to think of together. Then I read how the whey helps it last longer, adds enzymes, and increases nutrient content. I decided to give it a whirl. I concluded that it doesn’t taste any different than the mayonnaise I’m used to, and in fact, it tasted better. We’ve been putting it on sandwiches, in egg salad, and fruit salad. Delicious!
You've inspired us! Now Jeff and I want to try that recipe! 🙂