Blackbeard the Pirate Ahoy! This fearsome looking, swashbuckling rooster answers to the name of Blackbeard the Pirate. Don’t be fooled by his short stature, he’s a scallywag for sure. Arrrrrrrrr!
Gorges Smythe says February 27, 2011 at 5:23 am I remember my grandparents having chickens when I was little. I keep thinking that I need some. Reply
LaraColley says February 27, 2011 at 8:35 pm I think everyone needs chickens! (But I'm a little biased here) Reply
LaraColley says February 28, 2011 at 11:26 pm He's a black silkie bantam, and a total little fluffball other than that foreboding comb 🙂 Reply
He is really cool looking.
I remember my grandparents having chickens when I was little. I keep thinking that I need some.
I think everyone needs chickens! (But I'm a little biased here)
What a cutie! Is that a silkie?
He's a black silkie bantam, and a total little fluffball other than that foreboding comb 🙂