On a cold February day amidst the snow showers and hail, I’m thinking of all the signs of Spring I’ve spied around here lately. Nettles popping up, camelias blooming, green daffodil leaves emerging from the mud, and blossoming trees are all reassurances that winter will not last forever. What a welcome sight they are! Out at the coast, things are especially moving along, and on a recent camping trip, I saw an abundance of plants waking up from their Winter dormancy.
Salal (Gaultheria shallon)
I have always thought the delicate pink flowers on this shrub look like little fairy bells or lanterns. They’re very striking against the shiny green foliage in the early Spring. I found this great article on Salal by B.C. naturalist, Jocie Ingram, which you can read here: Simply Salal.
I recently discovered her blog and it is a nature lover’s delight!
Skunk Cabbage (Lysichitum americanum)
In spite of the common notion that this is a stinky plant, I have always enjoyed the pungent aroma of skunk cabbage when I’m out in the woods.
Coast Willow (Salix hookeriana)
Bursting open in sand dune marshes, these silvery pussy willow buds are always a welcome sign that Spring will soon be here!
Beautiful! I love all the seasons, how our world moves on even if we don't, the comfort of knowing that God has everything in hand, even when it feels out of control! Thanks for sharing these lovely images of spring, we are a few weeks away yet!