The merry month of May has arrived at long last! Today the sun was shining, a soft breeze was blowing, birds were courting, and bees were humming all around. It was a productive day. I got my potatoes planted and seedlings started. My mama chicken came out of her nest to scratch around with her three little chicks. A friend of mine had a swarm of honeybees move into his backyard over the weekend that I’m wishing I could bring home. Calendula, borage, rosemary, and violas are flowering in my garden. It was a good day to open one’s eyes and notice all the things blooming in life.
I spent the morning reading a book in the garden at the Zendo Buddhist temple while my daughter and her friends made flower garlands in the children’s program there. Every so often, I paused to look up at the apple blossoms and ponder life, flowers, and what it means to bloom. Here I will share a few of the flowers I’ve noticed unfolding in the garden, and some words by other folks who have pondered such things.
“Each flower is a soul blossoming out to nature.” ~Gerard De Nerval
“Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun.” ~Kahlil Gibran
“The earth laughs in flowers.” ~e.e. cummings
“Earth is a flower, and it’s pollinating.” ~Neil Young
I love your collection of flower quotes!