It all began with my son’s special pet and best friend in Kindergarten, Squeaky. My kids would sit out in the garage and teach Squeaky and the other chicks about environmental consciousness and ways to not pollute. Then, when the chicks got a little older and were outside, he would go out there and talk with Squeaky after school every day. They were best buddies. Unfortunately, we were not supposed to have a rooster at our house in the city limits, so we had to give him away to a suburban farm where they were more than happy to let us come back and visit. We took them up on that offer many times.
As we were getting ready to move out to the Elmira homestead, we got a batch of chicks and Squeaky was followed by Squeaky II, another White Crested Black Polish rooster.
And Tom Bombadil, a Silver Crested Polish rooster.
Those two roosters ruled the roost for quite a while, but no rooster lives forever, and we ended up with one of Tom Bombadil’s offspring on our McKenzie River homestead. Tom Kaleidoscope, a Silver Crested Polish and Araucana mix, was an excellent rooster until he passed away this month.
As you can tell, we like our fancy chickens around this homestead. I think Fancy is going to have a grand life free ranging around our place and keeping the hens out of trouble.
He really is something to crow about!
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