Winter decided to really show up and linger this year, and since we’re not really used to that in this part of Oregon, I’ve found myself gravitating toward things that are bright and cheerful. I noticed some flaming red rosehips peeking out of the briars along our driveway, and went out one morning with pruners and a basket to investigate. I may have gotten a little carried away, and ended up putting sprays of rosehips all over my house, but let no one say it isn’t looking bright and cheerful now. Winter gloom has been vanquished from this farmhouse.
There is something therapeutic about bringing things from nature indoors in the winter. When you’re sitting around the dinner table looking at plants and pinecones, it serves as a reminder that better weather will come back around, and there are more good times hiking, camping and working outside to be had. It’s also nice to know that I can save them dried for making herbal tea, and nothing will go to waste.

I used some of the rosehips to spruce up an old swag I made one winter for my old farmhouse in Elmira. The rosehips had lost their color and gotten pretty dusty and funky over the years, so it felt good to take the whole thing apart and start over with fresh rosehips. It’s always a good thing to shake the old dust off our lives from time to time.
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